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Aglais urticae - small fox

Aglais urticae - small fox

Regular price CHF 65.00
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Aglais urticae - small fox

The small fox (Aglais urticae) is a butterfly from the family Nymphalidae and belongs to the subfamily Nymphalinae. Here is some information about this butterfly species:

Features and Appearance :
The little fox has a wingspan of around 4 to 5 centimeters. The upper sides of the wings are colored orange-brown and have black spots and white spots. Conspicuous, pale spots and stripes can be seen on the undersides of the wings. The caterpillars are black with dense, long spiny hairs and often have yellow side stripes.

Habitat and distribution:
The little fox is widespread in Europe, North Africa and parts of Asia. It inhabits a variety of habitats including gardens, meadows, fields and forest edges.

Lifestyle and food:
The adult butterflies feed mainly on nectar from various flowers. The caterpillars of the little fox feed primarily on nettles (Urtica), which gave it its scientific name Aglais urticae.

Behavior and life cycle:
The Lesser Tortoiseshell goes through a complete cycle of metamorphosis that includes egg, caterpillar, pupa, and adult butterfly. The adult butterflies can have several generations per year, especially in warmer climates.

Protection status and meaning:
The small tortoiseshell is a common butterfly species due to its widespread occurrence and adaptability. Nevertheless, butterflies like the lesser tortoiseshell play an important role in the ecosystem, particularly as pollinators of plants.

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