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Asian flower mantis - creobroter gemmatus

Asian flower mantis - creobroter gemmatus

Regular price CHF 79.00
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Asian flower mantis - creobroter gemmatus

The Asian flower mantis, also known as the pearl mantis (Creobroter gemmatus), is a mantis from the family Hymenopodidae and is native to South, Southeast and East Asia.

Characteristics :
The males of the Asian flower mantis reach a length of around 3.8 cm, while the females are larger at over 4 cm. The adults are characterized by their striking and colorful wing coloring. The flower mantis' body varies depending on the population's habitat and can be colored from light green to dark green to yellow-green, while the wings are colored pink. When at rest, the wings are not visible, which means the flower mantis is well camouflaged in moist grass and bush landscapes as well as bamboo forests. However, when they spread or spread their wings, it resembles a flower. This form of Peckham's mimicry probably serves to attract prey that are attracted to the shape and color of the flower shape. Like many mantises, the Asian flower mantis also has false eyespots on the back wings and on the inside of the tentacles, which serve as a threatening gesture.

The Asian flower mantis is mainly found in Vietnam and Indonesia. Their preferred habitat is shrubs, grasses and flowering plants in rainforests.

Way of life:
Similar to other mantises, the Asian flower mantis is a diurnal hunter. It usually remains motionless and, when threatened, defends itself with a threatening gesture, thorny tentacles or bites. In its habitat it lies in wait for prey of appropriate size, especially other arthropods.

The male reaches sexual maturity after the seventh molt, the female after the eighth molt. Mating takes place after a week for the male and two weeks later for the female. The female attracts the male with pheromones. Mating can last up to eight hours. As with other mantises, cannibalism is common with the Asian flower mantis during or after mating, with the females often eating the males. The mated female then lays up to eight oothecae. These are flat-shaped, brown and up to six centimeters long. About four to eight weeks after laying, up to 90 young animals hatch from an ootheca. The males have a lifespan of about a year, while the females can live for about a year and a half.

Due to its fascinating appearance and easy care, the Asian flower mantis is one of the most commonly kept mantises in terrariums.

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