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Great Wanderer - Hebomoia leucippe

Great Wanderer - Hebomoia leucippe

Regular price CHF 79.00
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Great Wanderer - Hebomoia leucippe

Hebomoia leucippe, also known as the Great Wanderer or Great White, is a striking butterfly belonging to the family Pieridae. This species is native to South and Southeast Asia and is known for its imposing size and striking appearance.

Distinctive appearance and size:
The Great Wanderer's wings are predominantly white, with the outer edges of the forewings lined with black markings. However, the females may have a slightly yellowish tint. This butterfly's wingspan can be up to 11 centimeters, making it one of the largest in its family.

Mass migrations:
Hebomoia leucippe is known for its long-distance migrations, which gave it its common name "wanderer". These migrations can cover hundreds of kilometers and often take place in large flocks. During these migrations they can traverse a variety of habitats, from open fields to forested areas.

Nutrition and life cycle:
The caterpillars of the great wanderer feed primarily on plants of the genus Capparis, which are found in the family Capparaceae. The species goes through different stages of development, starting as an egg, then as a caterpillar, before transforming into a chrysalis and finally hatching as an adult butterfly.

Fascination and ecological significance:
Hebomoia leucippe is a fascinating object for entomologists and nature observers alike due to its striking appearance, imposing size and mass migrations. Its migrations may also have ecological impacts, as they contribute to the dispersal of pollen and may also influence predation and parasitism.
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