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Phaedimus lumawigi

Phaedimus lumawigi

Regular price CHF 65.00
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Phaedimus lumawigi

is a genus of beetles that belongs to the subfamily of beetles (Cetoniinae) in the species-rich group Scarabaeoidea.

Look :
Medium-sized (preferably 20-25 millimeters), slightly elongated, metallic-colored golden perch. The males have horn-like outgrowths on both the head and the pronotum; in some species these can be quite long and converge towards one another, so that they form a pinch formation. Pronotum is very shiny, greenish-metallic. The cover wings have a black side stripe and are more copper colored. The legs, especially the forelimbs of males, are quite long and slender.

The genus appears to be endemic to the Philippines.

As might be expected from such a diverse group, there is great variation in lifestyle within the group. However, the special body shape of the larvae limits the possibilities - almost none of the species is an active predator and all live more or less hidden in the larval stage, most of them underground. Many species have larvae that feed on dung, which the parents often have buried in a special larval chamber. Others live in heavily decomposed, dead wood or on plant roots in the ground. Some species live in the nests of ants and termites. The larval development can take several years, and the adult beetles can also live a relatively long time. The adult beetles almost always fly well, although they can be quite heavy. Many species visit flowers, others eat rotting fruit or plant sap. Many are nocturnal and like to come out into the light.

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