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Rainbow butterfly - Urania ripheus – underside

Rainbow butterfly - Urania ripheus – underside

Regular price CHF 79.00
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Rainbow butterfly - Urania ripheus – underside

The "rainbow butterfly" or "Madagascar sunset moth" (Chrysiridia rhipheus) is an endemic butterfly from Madagascar that belongs to the family of knight butterflies. The wings have a span of 70 to 90 mm and are deep black with iridescent, usually greenish-brown stripes on the upper side. The iridescent colors on the upper side of the hind wing, which are created by the surface structure of the wing scales, are particularly striking. The butterflies are diurnal and have six white, fringed tails on the outer edge of the hind wing.

The caterpillar is creamy white with black spots and bristle hairs, the pupa is characteristically green in color. The species is native to Madagascar and mainly inhabits tropical forests. The butterflies feed on flowers and leaves of the genus Omphalea, which belong to the spurge family. These plants contain toxins that are absorbed by caterpillars, pupae and butterflies and protect them from predators.

The population of Chrysiridia rhipheus was endangered by the collector trade, but was stabilized again after the trade was banned. Currently, the destruction of its natural habitat through slash-and-burn agriculture and palm oil plantations is threatening the populations of this striking butterfly.

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