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Dragonfly -Trithemis Festiva

Dragonfly -Trithemis Festiva

Regular price CHF 79.00
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Dragonfly - Trithemis Festiva

The Trithemis festiva is a species of dragonfly that belongs to the family of dragonflies (Libellulidae). Here is some basic information about this fascinating species of dragonfly:

Features and Appearance:
The Trithemis festiva is characterized by striking colors and patterns. The males are usually bright red or orange in color, while the females are more brownish. Both sexes have transparent wings with characteristic patterns.

Distribution and habitat:
This species of dragonfly is native to various parts of Africa. Their habitat extends across various types of water bodies, including stagnant bodies of water such as lakes, ponds and slow-moving streams.

Lifestyle and behavior:
Trithemis festiva feeds on insects caught in flight. This species of dragonfly is often found near bodies of water, where it basks and defends its territories.

Reproduction and development:
Reproduction takes place in water, where the females lay their eggs. The larvae develop in water and go through several stages before developing into adult dragonflies.

Importance in the ecosystem:
Dragonflies, including Trithemis festiva, play an important role in the ecosystem by helping regulate insect populations.

Protection status:
The protection status of Trithemis festiva may vary by region. However, many dragonfly species are threatened due to habitat loss and environmental impacts.

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